The Four Corners Formula: Take HR from Transactional to Transformational

So you’re in HR…in a company that’s small or mid-size. You’re probably very focused on the compliance side of HR. Compensation, benefits, required training…all that. 

But your company is growing and you’re wondering…or maybe your executive team is asking…what do we do about developing our leaders and their teams? 

Well, I think of the compliance side of HR as transactional HR. It’s critical, but it’s not what will move you to the next level. Developing your leaders and their teams is the transformational side of HR. This is where it gets really fun, and where HR can make a real difference in the performance of the business.

If you can relate to what I’ve just described, I want to invite you to a free webinar called The Four Corners Formula: Take HR from Transactional to Transformational!

In this forty-five minute session, you will learn how to: 

  • Make Superior Hiring Decisions: The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that the average cost of a bad hire is at least 30% of that individual’s first-year expected earnings. So if you hire someone at $50K a year and they turn out to be a poor fit, it could cost your business upwards of $15K. I’ll show you how to avoid this entirely by bringing science into your talent selection process. No more hiring on gut instinct or based on someone’s 1-hour sensational interview performance.
  • Develop Your Company Leaders for Success: People don’t quit jobs. they quit bosses. Learn how and why developing managers has such an outsize impact on your organization’s culture and performance.
  • Gather Quality Feedback From Your Team (And Actually Use It): I’ll show you is how to establish a cadenced 360 feedback loop for your leaders so they discover how people in the organization see their strengths and challenges.
  • Build a Thriving Culture: I’ll show you what you can do to create healthier, happier teams at work. 

Those are the four corners of transformational HR!

I’ll give you an idea of what you might budget for setting these systems up in your company. If you’re really tight on funds I’ll even tell you what I believe the #1 most important corner is. And I’ll share a few practically free solutions. I’ll also let you know about some traps in transformational HR that you don’t want to fall into!

You see, If you believe HR should have a seat at the executive table as I do, you need to come to them with a plan, with data and statistics, a proposed budget, and benefits. I can help you with that, and we’ll keep it simple.

So don’t wait. Learn how to transform your company, and your career, by moving from just transactional HR to transformational HR.

Join us for the webinar on Tuesday, November 17th at 11 AM. You can register here.

I look forward to seeing you there!

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